President John F. Kennedy was known to have an aide who was nicknamed - Undersecretary of Baseball - because he kept the president apprised of scores and standings. [courtesy of]
President Herbert Hoover was a great baseball fan. However, the onset of the Great Depression and Babe Ruth's opposition to Hoover stirred boos from fans during the President's first pitch at the 1931 World Series. [courtesy of]
President George W. Bush throws out the first pitch during game three of the World Series game between the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Yankees at Yankee Stadium Oct. 3, 2001. [courtesy of]
President Lyndon Johnson was the first president to dedicate a new stadium when he watched the first game at Houston's Astrodome in 1968. [courtesy of]
Growing up listening to the St. Louis Cardinals in his home state of Arkansas, President Bill Clinton was a strong supporter of our national pastime. [courtesy of]
President Richard Nixon's knowledge of the game was impressive. As a matter of fact, he was recruited by Major League Baseball to run the Players Association. He chose to continue his political career instead. [courtesy of]
Even amidst the Great Depression and World War II, President Franklin Roosevelt insisted that the game be given a green light to aid and enhance the morale of the country. [courtesy of]
President Gerald Ford displayed baseball talent as a player on the congressional team. After throwing out the first pitch, President Ford witnessed Hank Aaron's 714th home run, tying Babe Ruth's record. [courtesy of]
President Dwight Eisenhower was a spectacular athlete and made no secret of his early aspirations to play major league baseball. [courtesy of]
Yale student George H.W. Bush shakes the hand of the legendary Babe Ruth. [courtesy of]
Softball, not baseball, was President Jimmy Carter's great private and public passion. During his vacations in Plains, Georgia, he would often organize serious softball games with his Secret Service security detail. [courtesy of]
As a Chicago Cubs radio broadcaster in the mid-1930s for an Iowa station, President Ronald Reagan was an astute baseball spectator. He made several guest trips back to the radio booth, both during and after his presidency. [courtesy of]
President Warren G. Harding was a real baseball fan. He once hosted Babe Ruth at the White House and attended this 1922 opener with his wife and then Secretary of Commerce, Herbert Hoover. [courtesy of]
President William Howard Taft was the 1st President to throw out the first ball of the baseball season on April 14, 1910. He threw a pitch to the Washington Senator's Opening Day pitcher, Walter Johnson. [courtesy of]
President Harry Truman was the first southpaw (left-hander) to toss a baseball out of the presidential box. In fact, President Truman was ambidextrous and used both arms during his numerous ceremonial pitches. [courtesy of]
Although President Coolidge threw out the opening pitch, the real fan was standing next to him. Grace Coolidge kept perfect scorecards of baseball games and stayed behind after the President made an early exit. [courtesy of]
President Wilson and Edith Galt made their 1st public appearance as an engaged couple at the 2nd game of the World Series in Philadelphia. She was at the President's side as he threw out the first pitch on opening day. [courtesy of]